Become a friend

If you subscribe to the objectives of the Foundation and would like to attend our events in the future, we would be delighted to welcome you as a "Friend" of the Haegsche Tijd Foundation.

We ask our "Friends" to contribute to the cost of speakers, venue, care, general expenses of the Foundation to make our activities possible and help us achieve our objectives.

To cover costs, we have set this contribution at a minimum amount of €60 per year. We will then invoice you annually.   

As a Friend, you enjoy the following benefits:

  • Preferential treatment at lectures and excursions
  • 0024 magazine sent twice a year
  • Free book "Time Master of the Noordeinde, life and work of Antoon Gaemers" published by us in 2022, see Gaemers book

Our foundation is classified as a cultural General Benefit Organisation (ANBI). Therefore, any such contribution (donation) made in a year is deductible, but is subject to the deduction threshold and deduction ceiling. The threshold is 1% of the aggregate income (total income box I,II and III); the ceiling 10% of the aggregate income. 

(The above data is based on the data obtained from the Tax Office in early 2019).

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    By using this form, you consent to the storage and processing of your data by this website.
